Creating Advocates for Georgia Families and Children Through the Power of Conversation

“We’ve partnered with Inclusivv to give you a safe space to learn and share ideas… and it’s a great way to share stories, get involved and meet other Georgians who care.”
Candice L. Broce
GA Dept. of Human Services Commissioner
In support of Georgia’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan (CANPP), the GA Division of Family and Children Services wanted to reach beyond the usual stakeholders to engage the statewide community in the well-being of Georgia’s children. The goal of sustained progress will require all Georgians coming together to help families and children thrive.
Partnering with Inclusivv, they launched a series of six custom conversation topics on preventing child abuse and neglect. These community conversations addressed the societal factors that shape child well-being, while inspiring participants to find their own roles in supporting Georgia’s children. The project kicked off in August of 2021, but with the CANPP plan spanning the rest of the decade, the push to come together and uplift Georgia families has just begun.

“It doesn’t just give us an opportunity to moan about what our concerns are; it gives us the opportunity to also come up with how I can help make the solution come to life.”
Deborah Chosewood
GA DFCS Deputy Director of Prevention and Community Support
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